Colorado State Chess Association


CSCA Meeting: September 3, 2017


Board: Present: Dean Clow, Earle Wilke, Paul Covington, JC MacNeil, Todd Bardwick and Jesse Williams. Absent: Jeff Cohen (on vacation). Members: Shirley Herman and Brian Wall Guests: Jodie Williams

Meeting called to order at 7:10. Todd hosted the meeting in his home.


Rocky Mountain Team Chess Challenge (NM vs CO match): Discussion on when to schedule the match which needs to be in coordination with NM. Tentatively scheduled for July possibly in Colorado Springs. Paul assigned the task of coordinating with NM.

Scheduling tournaments:

Senior Championship: March 24 & 25, 2018
Four round event: Two on Saturday and two on Sunday. Concurrently (if enough interest) A Female State Championship event on Saturday and Sunday (two games each day).

Closed: Planned for April 27, 28, & 29, 2018
The top 6 players who apply in both Closed and Scholastic Closed will start on Friday night with one game, then two games on Saturday and two games on Sunday. Starting on Saturday morning will be a round robin 5 round tournament (six players per section) with three games on Saturday and two games on Sunday. Groups will be decided by rating. Tentatively scheduled for Club Chess Center in Colorado Springs.

Class Championship: May 19-20, 2018 Loveland, CO
Four round event. Location planned for 4-H building

BQB Chess Day: May 26, 2018 Club Chess, Colorado Springs
Blitz Championship Saturday morning
Quick Championship Saturday afternoon
Bughouse Championship Saturday evening

Women’s Championship event: Jesse to survey to determine interest.

Rick Nelson asked Dean to find a person to take over managing the website. Dean will plan and implement a new website. Paul will assist Dean in this effort.

By Laws:
Paul gave Dean printouts of current By Laws and a sample of another organizations by laws to illustrate the difference. Dean will review and consult with Jeff.

After review of last year’s Membership, board decided to continue the tour the same as last year with prizes to be determined. JC was appointed Chairman of the volunteer committee to examine options to make the tour a force in Colorado Chess. Motion made by Paul, Earle seconded and board voted 5-0 with JC abstaining.

Colorado Chess Clubs and meeting:
US Chess requested updated list of chess clubs, groups, activities. Paul asked to contact clubs listed on website (and Chess Informant) to determine whether they are still active, build the list and report to US Chess.

Correspondence Chess:
Jeff tasked to forward entrants names so Membership list can be updated.

Online Play:
Members tasked the Board to examine establishing online matches between other states and Colorado. Dean briefed that US Chess Rulebook Chapter 10 details how this is to be conducted. Brian Wall volunteered to publish a challenge to other states in American Chess Magazine.

Todd’s reported that the Tivoli Center is changing their policies. We have enjoyed a tremendous run in the facility (no rent) for years. Now we will have to find another location for our state’s largest event. It will be a costly transition. Entry fees for the Scholastic event will have to be increased. Todd was authorized to continue his investigations into finding solutions.

New Business:

Financial accountability:
Paul made a Motion for establishing full financial reporting for all CSCA monetary events. Dean 2nd. Motion passed 6 – 0 … this includes all income, all expenses for our tournaments.

Honoring CSCA volunteers for contributions.
Paul made the motion that the board authorize reasonable expenses to submit deserving individuals for special awards recognizing their excellent work. Earle 2nd Passed 6 – 0

Meeting adjourned at 10:12 PM.