Colorado State Chess Association


Minutes from 2019 Membership Meeting


Paul Covington took the following notes on the Membership Meeting.

President's Report: Buck Buchanan summarized the past CSCA Board year as very good.   

  • Colorado Open had 118 players
  • Colorado Blitz 26 players
  • Denver Open - The DCC and CSCA partnered and the event was a great success
  • Colorado Closed could only fill three sections.
  • Colorado Class was cancelled due to poor attendance and escalating hotel costs.
  • Blitz and Quick events had low attendance
  • The City of Manitou awarded CSCA their top nonprofit award.
  • Chess Journalists of America(CJA) awarded Fred Spell the winner of the Best State online Magazine. CJA selected Todd Bardwick as honorable mention for his Best Historical article on Bobby Fischer's Visits to Colorado.


Vice President's Report: Kevin McConnell summarized Denver Open as a success.

  • Scholastic Girls event had 47 paid players and plans to expand that event.  He suggested better prize fund for lower sections.
  • CJA awarded John Watson best tournament article for his Denver Open 2019 report.

Treasurer's Report: Dean Brown reported that a year to date comparison of CSCA account shows a $800 gain. He also reported that all event winners were either paid at the event or by mail. (check mailed next day)

Paul Covington asked that we honor our Colorado Invitational representatives:

  • Denker: Akshat Jain
  • Barber: Sullivan McConnell
  • All Girls: Sara Herman
  • Senior: Alaa -Addin Moussa
  • Paul and Alaa-Addin represented Colorado in the US Chess membership meeting in Orlando.

Scholastic Report: Todd Bardwick stated there were approximately 275 players at the Scholastic Championship held at the Arapaho Fair Grounds. The site was very good and cost $4,000

Members' Input:

  • DuWayne Langseth expressed displeasure at the Boulder Open tournament's slow payment of prize money to Rhett.  JC MacNeil responded that this was not the right place to raise this issue.    Paul investigated and found the check was mailed the day after tournament to the address associated with the credit card that paid for the online entry fee. That check was never cashed. After the correct address was obtained, a new check was issued.
  • Earle Wikle asked the board to establish standardized times for championship events, suggested round 1 be G90 with d10 and all other rounds G90 +30 increment.
  • Gunnar Andersen suggested two day and three day schedules for Colorado Open.
  • Buck reviewed history of past CO. Open Labor Day (Sat. Sun. Mon.) events and noted very poor attendance.
  • Rob Cernich encouraged CSCA to promote chess better.
  • Brian Wall asked for later start time 10 am (at this meeting Brian stated 9 am was alright).
  • JC MacNeil asked for paper voting ballots and advance notice of people running for office.
  • Kevin McConnell asked for better CSCA promotions, more scholastic all girls events and women only events.
  • Alex Freeman wanted to know the benefits of a CSCA membership? Paul Covington explained advantages of being part of an organization to underwrite events and hopefully bring a US Open to Denver.
  • CSCA members also requested some kind of survey be done in order to ascertain Member's opinions. (added by Ann)


  • Buck announced appointment of Todd Bardwick as the 2018-2019 Board selected member at large.
  • President:  Paul Covington and Buck Buchanan were nominated, Buck yielded to Paul, elected by acclamation.
  • Vice President: Kevin McConnell won by voice acclamation.
  • Secretary: Ann Davies won by voice acclamation.
  • Treasurer: Dean Brown won by voice acclamation.
  • Member at Large: Lior Lapid, Brad Lundstrom and Earle Wikle were nominated. Brad deferred to Earle but Lior received more votes and is the new Member at Large.
  • Scholastic Representative: Griffin and Sullivan McConnell were nominated. Sullivan deferred to Griffin, elected by voice acclamation.
  • Colorado Delegates: Primaries: Buck Buchanan, and Paul Covington; Alternates: Alaa-Addin Moussa and Earle Wikle.

Meeting adjourned at 3:40 pm.

The membership minutes were accepted as corrected unanimously by the current board.