The CSCA Board met at Todd Bardwick's house at 6:00, Nov. 25.
Present: Richard Buchanan, Kevin McConnell, Dean Brown, Akshat Jain, Todd Bardwick
Absent: James LaMorgese, Jeff Cohen
Todd started with a report on the State Scholastics Championship Tournament set for February 23-24. He described the playing site and the layout of where things will be happening. It was very thorough and it looks like things will go well.
Dean reported that our bank balance is at $10,778.14.
We discussed problems of the membership list. We do not have a complete list of current paid members with all the information that may be needed, i.e., street and e-mail addresses, phone numbers. There is doubt about whether all those who joined at the Colorado Open are on the list on the website.
The Board decided CSCA would not serve as a co-sponsor of a team tournament Brian Wall is organizing.
The main business of the meeting was the setting up of CSCA tournaments for 2019, with their locations and dates. We chose dates for all of them. Most of the locations are set, one still needs to be chosen.
The tournaments are as follows:
Senior Championship: March 23-24, ClubChess!!, Colorado Springs
Colorado Closed: April 5-7, Hampton Inn & Suites, Lone Tree
Class Tournament: May 18-19, site not determined yet – looking north of Denver
Colorado Open: August 31 – September 1, Sheraton, 7007 S. Clinton, Greenwood Village
We discussed financial help for the Closed, and we decided that CSCA would pay for the tournament expenses and add $300 to the prize fund as well as providing a plaque for the winners of the Championship sections. The tournament will return to its earlier format of four 6-player sections, with the change that the winners of the Reserve sections will not automatically qualify for the next year's Championship.