Prelude: We had difficulty with the discord software and switched to a phone conference to communicate. Earle kept watch on the discord and added individuals as they came online. Because of this, I am uncertain who attended the meeting in addition to the Board members.
Meeting called to order about 8:35 PM (delay due to the above mentioned communications problem).
Earle asked me to read the previous meeting's minutes. You may review them at
Old Business:
- DGT Chess equipment was discussed: No additional equipment purchase at this time. Paul Covington donated two laptops to the CSCA to support the present DGT boards.
New Business:
- Earle then thanked Dean Clow and JC McNeil for their service on the board and their work for Colorado Chess.
- Earle then opened the floor for nominations to fill the vacant board positions.
- The first vacant position to fill was that of President.
- Paul C nominated Earle. Jesse seconded the nomination. There were no additional nominations, so Earle was confirmed without opposition.
- The next position to fill was that of Vice President
- The first vacant position to fill was that of President.
(Note: There were two discussions that happen here: 1. Whether or not filling the remaining positions was necessary and 2. A confirmation that we had enough board members present to conduct business—we did. )
- Jesse nominated Paul Anderson for Vice President. Earle seconded. No additional nominations were made. Nominations were closed, and Paul A declared VP.
- The Member at Large position was they opened for nomination. No one accepted the nomination. The position was left open.
- The Board did nominate Todd Bardwick as the Board Appointed Member At Large. He was unopposed. (Note: This is a position that is traditionally filled by the CSCA Scholastic Director and confirmed during the last board meeting prior to the Colorado Open.)
- Earle motioned that the board vote on a change to the by laws, which would then go to the membership for approval during the membership meeting. His motion was seconded by Jesse. After discussion, the motion passed 6-0. The motion (listed below) will now be presented to the members for approval.
- Paul Covington made a motion to establish a separate CSCA bank account to receive donations for Scholastic members who are invited to represent the United States at an International chess tournament. This would include by name donations where the money would be given as a grant to the named person. The motion was seconded by Earle, and discussed. The donator would decide how the money would be handled (held over for the next year or returned to the donor) should the person named for the grant did not attend the event. This passed 5 to 1 (Paul Anderson dissented).
- Board authorized Todd to purchase score sheets, if needed, for the Colorado Open. This is a reimbursable authorized expense.
- Paul Anderson made a motion that the board schedule a hearing on the Shirley Herman petition which he had previously emailed to the board, at the next board meeting. Jesse seconded. Discussion was heated and then passed 5 to 1 (Paul Covington dissented).
Earle motioned to adjourn, Jesse second, and meeting was adjourned.