Colorado State Chess Association


Minutes for Board Meeting - May 21st

Board Meeting Minutes (May 21, 2018)

This was an online meeting. It was open to everyone. Attendance was all Board members, Ann Davies, and Shirley Herman. If others attended I will add your name.

Topics discussed:

Insurance: discussed what CSCA should be responsible to cover.  Jeff Cohen accepted the task to investigate the various costs and alternatives to present insurance.

Colorado Open:

After discussion, time control was changed to G90/d5 for rounds 1 and 2 so round 3 could start at 5 PM thus finishing earlier in the evening. The logic is that more players will play in round three if the game finishes earlier.  Dean made the motion Rounds 1 and 2 will be Game 90 with 5 second delay. Rounds 3, 4, and 5 will be Game 90 with 30 second increment. Game times will be Saturday 9 AM, 1:30 PM and 5 PM and Sunday 9 AM and 4 PM with the Membership meeting Sunday at 2 PM. Jeff seconded the motion. The motion passed 5 to 2.

Discussed the prospect of inviting Chess dot com’s IM Daniel Rensch as our guest of honor. Dean will investigate and report on costs and potential benefits.

DGT boards:

Dean proposed investigating purchasing two laptops to make the DGT boards work better. He will investigate and report back.

Paul proposed purchasing three additional DGT boards to support streaming games live to gain more exposure for Colorado Chess. Tabled awaiting the results of trying to make the present DGT boards work better.

Class Championship: Discussed finances. More details when everything to pulled together. Earle Wilke was the TD. Dean and Paul was onsite and helped.

Rocky Mountain Team Chess Challenge: Because of the inability to get the match scheduled during the summer the Board decided to cancel the event.  Dean made the motion, Paul seconded and the vote was unanimous. Paul will notify New Mexico.

Day of Champions: Earle will run the blitz, Dean the other two.

Discussed Colorado Open TLA. TLA will be emailed to Board members before being summited to US Chess. Dean agreed to do this.

Scholastic Closed: Dean is trying to get a free site in Denver area. Various times and formats discussed. Decision of how and where left to Dean.

Stipends for Scholastic players who are invited to represent United States in foreign events was discussed. Board decided to handle every case individually. The final decision of whether to support a specific event and level of support will be determined by the Board. Paul assigned to write the wording and summit to the Board for markup before publishing in the Informant.

Meeting adjourned at 9:19 PM