First electronic board meeting for the CSCA.
Present: Dean Clow P, Earle Wilke VP, Jeff Cohen T, Paul Covington S, Todd Bardwick MAL, JC NacNeil MAL, Jesse Williams JR, Bill Williams, Teah Williams, Cela Williams, and Shirley Herman
Meeting called on order about 7:20 PM by Dean.
Old business:
Minutes from Sept 3rd 2017 meeting were put online for review. Approved without changes
Discussion of TLAs for upcoming events:
Dean is actively updating the Upcoming Tournaments on the website as information is available.
Paul updated the status of the sites for our tournaments: Open at Sheraton Denver Tech Center; Class at Larimer
County Fairgrounds, Loveland; and the Senior at Club Chess, Colorado Springs. Other special events as indicated on the website.
Colorado Closed: Will be listed on the website and facebook. It was suggested that we email the eligible players (Dean will do this). Selection Supplement will be Feb 2018. Emails will be sent—individuals responsible to respond to Dean.
We will use US Chess website as the official state for our players.
Prizes: Trophies? Not decided. 1st $100, 2nd $50.
Entry fees: $25 plus CSCA and US Chess membership.
Costs for this weekend: Club Chess is co-sponsoring the Closed events: $250 is CSCA costs for the weekend. Round Robin event will help support costs this weekend. Motion made for CSCA to cover costs (appx $125 plus scoresheets and rating fees). Unanimous vote.
Scholastic Closed: same selection criteria as Closed. Dean to handle invitations.
All Women Invitational: Dean compiling listing and will contact players.
Hall of Fame: Paul briefed the past HoF and process. Requires appointing a committee to lead that effort. Small Prizes to honorees. Todd was on the selection committee. Paul suggested to formalize the HoF and establish a process. Todd briefed the first HoF. Any discussion regarding this was posted and info was in the Colorado Chess Informant January 2016. Deferred to later.
New Mexico vs Colorado match; Paul briefed--NM wants to play in person and have agreed to come to Club Chess. Still working a date, July-early August likely. Continuing discussion with NM on this.
Stipends: last year—Jeff has cancelled check for most of the 2017 players. Dean and Jeff to verify for completeness. This year the board will set the amount of the stipends. T-Shirts for team discussion deferred. No T-Shirts will be procured for 2017 team.
Financials: Jeff briefed--Account appears to be stable year to year. Suggesting stipends of $100 per player is affordable. Tabled financial discussion for a month so accounts and membership numbers can be reviewed. Dean and Jeff to handle this.
Insurance: Discussion several inputs. Decided to defer for 30 days for Jeff to investigate then report back. Present policy is woefully out of date on amounts and types of coverage. Paul suggested checking with US Chess as they have event specific insurance.
TLAs need to be sent to US Chess on all of our events.
Todd briefed Scholastic State Championship: Has it handled for upcoming event. Trophies are already purchased. People are lined up and all in on track. Next year is also locked in.
Code of Conduct: Earle briefed—under current By Laws we have a code of conduct (Art 3 sect 4) this needs to add Social media. This would require a vote at the membership meeting. This added text should allow for disagreements, just not attacks on individuals. Our emphasis should be to support playing chess not attacking one another. This text should address facebook, twitter, and other forms of social media. The facebook code of conduct prohibits attacking other. Earle and Jesse will prepare drafts for revisions before we can present the actual text the member will vote on in September. Emphasis is that everyone will treated with dignity and respect!
Club Chess Code of Conduct will be posted on the wall so everyone knows what to expect and any questions will be handled on a case by case example. Dean will review present code and address it later.
New business:
Earle wants to have tournament cross tables added in the Informants for all state events. Earle agreed to put this info together into an article which he would submit to Fred directly. Paul will talk to Fred to make sure he has no objections.
Paul asked about CSCA’s present supply of scoresceets. Dean will ask Buck for statue.
Paul asked about advertising on CSCA official facebook. Decision: Everyone may advertise, just ask an admin to post it. Events on our facebook site are limited to Colorado events.
Website: Soon to be activated. Two levels of login: Board can make changes throughout the site; while TDs can add tournament events. Any TDs may post their events…
US Chess requested current listing of clubs in our state. That has been submitted (Paul).
Meeting adjourned at 9:19 PM.
Note: This was a unique and special meeting. Thanks to Dean for facilitating our first electronic board meeting!