DCC Spring Classic 2025 | |
Direct Link: | http://www.coloradochess.com/newtourn.shtml?id=1561#tournamentContent |
5 Round Swiss Tournament | |
Date | March 29 - 30, 2025 |
Time Control | All sections: G/90;+30 : All 5 rounds Swiss system tournament (All sections). |
City | Greenwood Village, CO |
Site | Sheraton Denver Tech Center Hotel 7007 S Clinton St, Greenwood Village, CO 80112 Phone: 303-799-6200 |
Sections |
Championship players rated 1800+ pay Regular entry. (Minimum USCF Rating 1600, Players rated between 1799-1600 and Unrated players are playing up a section and pay $10 more to play in Champioship section) Four additional USCF-RATED sections: U1800, U1600, U1400, U1200 Note: Unrated players can play in any section, but in non-championship sections can only win $150 of the place prizes. Unrated players playing in the Championship section are only elligable for place prizes. Note: Player can only play up 1 section if they pay the extra fee (e.g. a player rated 1590 can only play in the U1600, or in the U1800 if they pay the extra fee; but not the championship) Note: Separate considerations will be made for players with non-USCF ratings from a different rating system. Please email earle.wikle7@gmail.com ahead of the tournament with the particular circumstances. Thank you! |
Entry Fee | All Sections (Premier, U1800, U1600, U1400, U1200): Early entry by 03/23/2025 Non-DCC Members: $75 - Play Up 1 Section $85; DCC Members or (Under 14) $65 - Play Up 1 Section $75, after 03/23, entry Non-DCC Members $85 - Play Up 1 Section $95; DCC Members or (Under 14) $75 - Play Up 1 Section $85. until 9am the day of tournament. Day of registration at the door, $10 more than online registration | A $10 discount for DCC members or juniors (age under 14). | $10 fee to play up one section from your live USCF standard rating. It is only permitted to play up one section. Note: Unrated players may play in any section but will be only eligible to win a maximum of $150 in any section other than the Premier section or may pay the extra $10 fee to play up in the Premier section and will be eligible for all prizes in that section. |
Prizes | Prizes based on 140 paid entries; prizes will be increased if more than 155 paid entries: Special Prize: $100 Upset prize in each section. Premier (+1600 USCF) [1st, 2nd,3rd]: $700, $450, $300; U2100: $250 U1800: $400, $300, $200 U1600: $350, $225, $125 U1400: $325, $215, $110 U1200: $300, $200, $100; U1000: $150 |
Registration | Online Registration closes on 03/29/2025 at 9am!! Online Only (Link towards the bottom) - Limited to 200 players - Morning registration from 9am until 9:30am, and after 9:30am half point bye for morning round 1 for late entries |
Round Times | Round 1-5: Saturday 10 am, 2:30 pm, 7 pm, Sunday 10 am, 3 pm |
Entries | Earle Wikle |
Phone | (719) 208-0909 |
earle.wikle7@gmail.com | |
Bye Policy Only one half point bye will be allowed for rounds 1-5, and round 3-5 byes must be requested 30min before round 3 and are irrevocable. | |
Online Registration: CLICK HERE TO REGISTERSheraton Denver Tech Center Hotel Booking:Online Live Pairings and Standings at: 14 DGT BOARDS LINK: 1-5 Champ; 6-8 U1800; 9-10 U1600; 11-12 U1400; 13-14 U1200: TDs: Earle Wikle and Peter Barlay Notes: Please read carefully. Registered players: If you have not requested a bye for round 1, you will be paired automatically for the first round. The Denver Chess Club reserves the right to change tournament specifications as deemed appropriate. Time-Control: G/90;+30, 5 round Swiss system tournament (Saturday-Sunday All sections). USCF membership required: Renew or join here: https://new.uschess.org/form/ Limited to the first 200 players (due to venue capacity). Bring your board, chess pieces and clock if you own them! |